Retouching Contest

With all these great entries, here were our top three. It’s not to say the other images were less deserving, but we wanted to write out what we loved about each of these! Thank you to everyone who took part, we loved seeing the wide range of creativity. Be sure to see our gallery of images for all of the entries!

1st Place

Luca Storelli


There is just so much going on with this image, but ultimately it somehow all balances out. Knowing first hand how difficult it can be to composite multiple elements together seamlessly has made this image impossible to ignore! Even tying in the depth of field in the background and foreground gives this piece so much depth. The overlapping leaves over her body and choice of colors makes it a visual bouquet of excellence.

2nd Place

Zoya Farforova


One of the elements I love most about this is the truly how minimal and powerful the execution is. The great skin retouching combined with the inclusion of a background element that ties in perfectly together. The composition balance is great and the negative space in the shadows opens up visual breathing room that leads to the subject. The softness of the bokeh compliments the texture of the fabric perfectly.

3rd Place

Markus Vockrodt


What I love about this was that even though the execution is apparently simple, the color grading, choice of crop, and retouching all comes together in a beautiful visualization of stunning emotion. The color choice is cinematic and brings focus to the eyes and the framing helps lead directly to it. You could have added a background element but with all these reasons in mind, it didn’t need it.

All entries: