Nathaniel Dodson of TutVid Uses Infinite Color Panel In Creative Ways

When I started my video editing journey, I used to look at the channel TutVid on YouTube to piece together information that I was looking to learn. Nathaniel played an instrumental role in my journey. Naturally, once we had ICP, I wanted to ask Nathaniel what he’d do with the panel because I am always excited too see what open minded creatives can come up with. It shows how to use the panel in ways in different ways in the color grading process that we may not normally consider!

He created two videos using the panel on two different topics that I think you’ll find interesting!

Video 1:
A walkthrough on using Infinite Color and using it on a beauty image. 

Starting at 17:45

This is the video where Nathaniel plays with Infinite Color in his own way to color grade a beauty image. What’s cool is aside from going over the features, he makes it his own by showing he modifies what it comes up. He combines what ICP generates and adds his own adjustment layers to push it further. I love seeing how takes what it makes as a base and makes it his own. He also goes into using just what it generates along with blending options and folder opacities to control the intensity further.

It goes to show you don’t have to stick to the path and you can deviate from it to bring home your vision! ICP is a reference to a good starting point, and is fully designed to be tweaked to your vision.

Video 2:
Creating LUT tables with Infinite Color in Photoshop and adding it to video. 


The first video is primarily targeted to video editors or people who want to save a set of layers into one personal file. Let’s say you shoot video and stills and want to color grade them to match, you can use LookUp Tables! These “LUT” files save the set of adjustment layers you make in Photoshop and can be added to your video so you get the same color grade on both.

This is so powerful in creating your own library of colors and also making sure your video and stills match!


Have you tried the panel yet? We’d love to see your creations! Get in touch on Instagram @infinitecolorpanel or the Facebook Infinite Color Panel group and show us your work.

If you haven’t tried the panel yet, get started here: